Engauge Digitizer - Getting Data Out

Reading Coordinates In Status Bar

The coordinates of any specific point on a curve can be seen in the status bar, the only requirement being that the axes points must already be defined. When all three axes points are defined, the coordinates under the cursor are always displayed, so place the cursor over a point on the curve to determine the coordinates at that point.

The status bar coordinates must be recorded by the user, or manually typed into other applications.

This approach does not work for maps using scale bars.

Exporting Curves Into An Export File

Curves may be exported into an export file using the File/Export menu option. The export file is a tabular text file that can be imported directly into other software tools like Excel and Gnumeric.

The format of the export file can be controlled by using the File/Export Setup menu option.

This approach does not work for maps using scale bars.

Copying From The Geometry Info Windows

All of the information in the curve geometry and measure geometry windows can be copied using the operating system clipboard. All selected lines are automatically copied to the clipboard, where they are available for pasting into other applications.

This approach works for both curves and maps using scale bars.