Engauge Digitizer - Adding To Konqueror Service Menu


In Konqueror a simple right-click on an image file will bring up a service (or context) menu that lists some software applications. Clicking on one of those applications starts that application, and loads the image file.

Engauge Digitizer can be inserted into that service menu, where it is easily available for processing image file formats such as BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and XPM.

Frequent users of Engauge Digitizer will appreciate the speed of service menus.


Follow these three steps to add Engauge Digitizer to the Konqueror service menu:

  1. Determine where the service menu should be created by running 'kde-config --localprefix'. Typically, this directory is $HOME/.kde
  2. Go to the share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus subdirectory underneath the directory found in the previous step. You will have to create this subdirectory if it does not already exist
  3. Create a text file named 'engauge.desktop', with the following lines:
[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action engauge]
Name=Engauge Digitizer
Exec=/home/mark/engauge/digitizer -import %u