Ejemplo muy simple de red neuronal
## Global options
Este ejemplo del uso de la biblioteca neural_net y neural_net_tools para introducirnos en este grupo de herramientas.
Conceptualmente las Redes Nueronales Artificiales o ANN (por sus siglas en inglés), es un mecanismo que puede operar como un clasificador semejante a un árbol que reparte en diferentes categorÃas, pero tambien puede limitarse a un modelador del tipo dicotómico (falso/verdadero).
Entrenador de red neuronal que calcula el cuadrado de un número
Generaremos una matriz de dos columnas que tenga como valores números del 0 al 10 en una columna y el cuadrado de esto números en la segunada columna.
z <- c(x,y)
entrenador <- matrix(z,ncol=2, byrow = FALSE)
colnames(entrenador)<- c("nro","cuadrado")
nro cuadrado
[1,] 0 0
[2,] 1 1
[3,] 2 4
[4,] 3 9
[5,] 4 16
[6,] 5 25
[7,] 6 36
[8,] 7 49
[9,] 8 64
[10,] 9 81
[11,] 10 100
Carga de las bibliotecas
Entrenamieto de la red con los datos seleccionados
Visualización del modelo
neuralnet(formula = cuadrado ~ nro, data = entrenador, hidden = 10,
threshold = 0.01)
1 0
2 1
3 4
4 9
5 16
6 25
7 36
8 49
9 64
10 81
11 100
[1,] 0
[2,] 1
[3,] 2
[4,] 3
[5,] 4
[6,] 5
[7,] 6
[8,] 7
[9,] 8
[10,] 9
[11,] 10
[1] "cuadrado"
[1] "nro"
function (x, y)
1/2 * (y - x)^2
<bytecode: 0x55f126af6560>
<environment: 0x55f126afaf70>
[1] "sse"
function (x)
1/(1 + exp(-x))
<bytecode: 0x55f126af2d40>
<environment: 0x55f126af2448>
[1] "logistic"
[1] TRUE
nro cuadrado
1 0 0
2 1 1
3 2 4
4 3 9
5 4 16
6 5 25
7 6 36
8 7 49
9 8 64
10 9 81
11 10 100
[1,] -0.008417693
[2,] 1.011559843
[3,] 3.992665532
[4,] 9.005531083
[5,] 15.995925735
[6,] 25.003377560
[7,] 35.996796764
[8,] 49.002479599
[9,] 63.998074046
[10,] 81.000857385
[11,] 99.999629769
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] 10.335405 8.745124 12.626059 31.470116851 -14.684255 -4.6165210 6.690530
[2,] -1.430128 -1.472157 -1.663049 -0.002073829 1.566784 0.9092756 -1.773624
[,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 0.85845176 3.745378 15.665385
[2,] 0.01114358 -1.786620 -1.615422
[1,] 18.963113
[2,] -9.525356
[3,] -9.027391
[4,] -13.261266
[5,] 21.147343
[6,] 31.905854
[7,] 26.504249
[8,] -4.956070
[9,] 22.302911
[10,] -5.538531
[11,] -13.869700
[1,] -6.152606e+01
[2,] -1.506934e+02
[3,] -3.523785e-01
[4,] -8.056325e-02
[5,] -3.392531e-02
[6,] -1.654157e-02
[7,] -9.524225e-03
[8,] -6.016718e-03
[9,] -3.851841e-03
[10,] -2.957394e-03
[11,] -1.633375e-03
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] 0.2302261 0.1926049 0.7127869 2.346737 -1.5507341 0.4290785 0.4528844
[2,] -1.0562068 -0.6984664 -1.6224010 -2.302108 0.5588471 0.8923809 -0.3806499
[,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 1.673144 -0.2359057 1.523680
[2,] 1.051994 -1.2861210 -1.289965
[1,] -1.3400293
[2,] -1.3025380
[3,] -1.4917823
[4,] -1.2883318
[5,] 0.8442001
[6,] 0.8205680
[7,] -2.5777658
[8,] -0.7527767
[9,] 0.5245923
[10,] -0.9747923
[11,] -0.4741955
error 1.689365e-04
reached.threshold 7.782981e-03
steps 1.032800e+04
Intercept.to.1layhid1 1.033540e+01
nro.to.1layhid1 -1.430128e+00
Intercept.to.1layhid2 8.745124e+00
nro.to.1layhid2 -1.472157e+00
Intercept.to.1layhid3 1.262606e+01
nro.to.1layhid3 -1.663049e+00
Intercept.to.1layhid4 3.147012e+01
nro.to.1layhid4 -2.073829e-03
Intercept.to.1layhid5 -1.468426e+01
nro.to.1layhid5 1.566784e+00
Intercept.to.1layhid6 -4.616521e+00
nro.to.1layhid6 9.092756e-01
Intercept.to.1layhid7 6.690530e+00
nro.to.1layhid7 -1.773624e+00
Intercept.to.1layhid8 8.584518e-01
nro.to.1layhid8 1.114358e-02
Intercept.to.1layhid9 3.745378e+00
nro.to.1layhid9 -1.786620e+00
Intercept.to.1layhid10 1.566539e+01
nro.to.1layhid10 -1.615422e+00
Intercept.to.cuadrado 1.896311e+01
1layhid1.to.cuadrado -9.525356e+00
1layhid2.to.cuadrado -9.027391e+00
1layhid3.to.cuadrado -1.326127e+01
1layhid4.to.cuadrado 2.114734e+01
1layhid5.to.cuadrado 3.190585e+01
1layhid6.to.cuadrado 2.650425e+01
1layhid7.to.cuadrado -4.956070e+00
1layhid8.to.cuadrado 2.230291e+01
1layhid9.to.cuadrado -5.538531e+00
1layhid10.to.cuadrado -1.386970e+01
[1] "nn"
Ploteo de la red neuronal
Red figurativa (con pesos graficados)
Resultados obtenidos con el set de entrenamiento:
[1,] -0.008417693
[2,] 1.011559843
[3,] 3.992665532
[4,] 9.005531083
[5,] 15.995925735
[6,] 25.003377560
[7,] 35.996796764
[8,] 49.002479599
[9,] 63.998074046
[10,] 81.000857385
[11,] 99.999629769
Uso de la red para predecir
Trataremos de indagar sobre cual es el cuadrado del número 12
[1,] 1 12
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] 1 0.001083866 0.0001335687 0.0006547994 1 0.9839702 0.9981575
[,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
[1,] 4.595771e-07 0.7295173 2.068073e-08 0.02366787
[1,] 113.8822
[1] 144
Ejemplo de uso con emprendedores logÃsticos
Carga de Bibliotecas
Carga de datos de emprendimientos logÃsticos
Categoric <- read_csv("https://themys.sid.uncu.edu.ar/rpalma/R-cran/50_Startups_Categoric_LAC.csv")
tibble [50 × 6] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ R_D_Spend : num [1:50] 165349 162598 153442 144372 142107 ...
$ POM : num [1:50] 136898 151378 101146 118672 91392 ...
$ Logist_Market: num [1:50] 471784 443899 407935 383200 366168 ...
$ Pais : chr [1:50] "Colombia" "Ecuador" "Chile" "Colombia" ...
$ Profit : num [1:50] 192262 191792 191050 182902 166188 ...
$ Supervivencia: chr [1:50] "SpinOff" "SpinOff" "SpinOff" "SpinOff" ...
- attr(*, "spec")=
.. cols(
.. R_D_Spend = col_double(),
.. POM = col_double(),
.. Logist_Market = col_double(),
.. Pais = col_character(),
.. Profit = col_double(),
.. Supervivencia = col_character()
.. )
Tratamiento de variables categóricas
tabla1 <- table(Categoric$Pais)
tabla2 <- table(Categoric$Supervivencia)
tabla3 <- table(Categoric$Pais,Categoric$Supervivencia)
Histogramas superpuestos
ind_1 <- which(Categoric$Pais=="Colombia")
p1 <- as.matrix(Categoric[ind_1,5])
ind_2 <- which(Categoric$Pais=="Ecuador")
p2 <- as.matrix(Categoric[ind_2,5])
ind_3 <- which(Categoric$Pais=="Chile")
p3 <- as.matrix(Categoric[ind_3,5])
plot( hp1, col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4), xlim=c(30000,200000),ylim=c(0,5),main="Ecuador")
plot( hp2, col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4),xlim=c(30000,200000),ylim=c(0,10),main="Colombia")
plot( hp3, col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4),xlim=c(30000,200000),ylim=c(0,10),main="Chile")
plot( hp1, col=rgb(0,0,1,1/4), xlim=c(30000,200000),ylim=c(0,5),main="Ecuador")
plot( hp2, col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4),xlim=c(30000,200000),ylim=c(0,10),main="Colombia")
plot( hp3, col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4),xlim=c(30000,200000),ylim=c(0,10),main="Chile")
Cuadro de campos categóricos
Visualización de Tablas
Tabla Textual
R_D_Spend | POM | Logist_Market | Pais | Profit | Supervivencia |
165349.2 | 136897.80 | 471784.1 | 0 | 192261.8 | 2 |
162597.7 | 151377.59 | 443898.5 | 1 | 191792.1 | 2 |
153441.5 | 101145.55 | 407934.5 | 2 | 191050.4 | 2 |
144372.4 | 118671.85 | 383199.6 | 0 | 182902.0 | 2 |
142107.3 | 91391.77 | 366168.4 | 2 | 166187.9 | 2 |
131876.9 | 99814.71 | 362861.4 | 0 | 156991.1 | 2 |
Tabla Simple
R_D_Spend | POM | Logist_Market | Pais | Profit | Supervivencia |
165349.2 | 136897.80 | 471784.1 | 0 | 192261.8 | 2 |
162597.7 | 151377.59 | 443898.5 | 1 | 191792.1 | 2 |
153441.5 | 101145.55 | 407934.5 | 2 | 191050.4 | 2 |
144372.4 | 118671.85 | 383199.6 | 0 | 182902.0 | 2 |
142107.3 | 91391.77 | 366168.4 | 2 | 166187.9 | 2 |
131876.9 | 99814.71 | 362861.4 | 0 | 156991.1 | 2 |
return ( (x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.0000 0.4249 0.5254 0.5481 0.7044 1.0000
Datos Originales y Datos normalizados
[1] 192261.8 191792.1 191050.4 182902.0 166187.9 156991.1
R_D_Spend POM Logist_Market Pais Profit Supervivencia
1 1.0000000 0.6517439 1.0000000 0.0 1.0000000 1
2 0.9833595 0.7619717 0.9408934 0.5 0.9973546 1
3 0.9279846 0.3795790 0.8646636 1.0 0.9931781 1
4 0.8731364 0.5129984 0.8122351 0.0 0.9472924 1
5 0.8594377 0.3053280 0.7761356 1.0 0.8531714 1
6 0.7975660 0.3694479 0.7691259 0.0 0.8013818 1
Muestreo para entrenamento
Modelo de Neural Net
startups_model <- neuralnet(Profit~R_D_Spend+ POM + Logist_Market + Pais
, data = startups_train)
List of 14
$ call : language neuralnet(formula = Profit ~ R_D_Spend + POM + Logist_Market + Pais, data = startups_train)
$ response : num [1:37, 1] 1 0.997 0.993 0.947 0.853 ...
..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. ..$ : chr [1:37] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
.. ..$ : chr "Profit"
$ covariate : num [1:37, 1:4] 1 0.983 0.928 0.873 0.859 ...
..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. ..$ : chr [1:37] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
.. ..$ : chr [1:4] "R_D_Spend" "POM" "Logist_Market" "Pais"
$ model.list :List of 2
..$ response : chr "Profit"
..$ variables: chr [1:4] "R_D_Spend" "POM" "Logist_Market" "Pais"
$ err.fct :function (x, y)
..- attr(*, "type")= chr "sse"
$ act.fct :function (x)
..- attr(*, "type")= chr "logistic"
$ linear.output : logi TRUE
$ data :'data.frame': 37 obs. of 6 variables:
..$ R_D_Spend : num [1:37] 1 0.983 0.928 0.873 0.859 ...
..$ POM : num [1:37] 0.652 0.762 0.38 0.513 0.305 ...
..$ Logist_Market: num [1:37] 1 0.941 0.865 0.812 0.776 ...
..$ Pais : num [1:37] 0 0.5 1 0 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 ...
..$ Profit : num [1:37] 1 0.997 0.993 0.947 0.853 ...
..$ Supervivencia: num [1:37] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 ...
$ exclude : NULL
$ net.result :List of 1
..$ : num [1:37, 1] 0.961 0.949 0.924 0.881 0.881 ...
.. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. .. ..$ : chr [1:37] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
.. .. ..$ : NULL
$ weights :List of 1
..$ :List of 2
.. ..$ : num [1:5, 1] 0.952 -2.0694 0.0684 -0.192 -0.0203
.. ..$ : num [1:2, 1] 1.29 -1.49
$ generalized.weights:List of 1
..$ : num [1:37, 1:4] 13.92 11.25 8.13 5.83 5.82 ...
.. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. .. ..$ : chr [1:37] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
.. .. ..$ : NULL
$ startweights :List of 1
..$ :List of 2
.. ..$ : num [1:5, 1] 0.107 0.314 0.392 0.351 0.601
.. ..$ : num [1:2, 1] -0.0327 -1.632
$ result.matrix : num [1:10, 1] 0.03467 0.00952 495 0.95198 -2.06939 ...
..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. ..$ : chr [1:10] "error" "reached.threshold" "steps" "Intercept.to.1layhid1" ...
.. ..$ : NULL
- attr(*, "class")= chr "nn"
Ploteo de la red proporcional
Esto me indica cuales son los KPI
Predicted profit Vs Actual profit of test data.
[1,] 0.9492542
Desnormalización de los resultados
Dado que hicimos la predicciones con los datos normalizados, ahora deberemos des-normalizarlos
str_max <- max(Startups$Profit)
str_min <- min(Startups$Profit)
unnormalize <- function(x, min, max) {
return( (max - min)*x + min )
ActualProfit_pred <- unnormalize(predicted_profit,str_min,str_max)
11 137822.3
13 131363.6
14 128993.6
15 150973.3
23 116700.1
25 114319.5
Mejoramiento de la performance del modelo
Es posible mejorar la performance con el agregado de más capas ocultas.
Startups_model2 <- neuralnet(Profit~R_D_Spend+ POM + Logist_Market + Pais
, data = startups_train, hidden = 2)
plot(Startups_model2 ,rep = "best")
Performance del modelo mejorado
[1,] 0.9617178
Neural Net Clasificación
Armamos el dataset de datos a clasificar
indice <- sample(2, nrow(Clasificar), replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.7,0.3))
clasificar_train <- Startups_norm[indice==1,]
clasificar_test <- Startups_norm[indice==2,]
supervivientes_clasificados <- factor(clasificar_train$Supervivencia)
Entrenamiento de nnet como clasificador
supervivientes_train<-nnet(supervivientes_clasificados~clasificar_train$R_D_Spend + clasificar_train$POM+ clasificar_train$Logist_Market ,data=clasificar_train,size=5, decay=5e-4, maxit=2000)
# weights: 38
initial value 54.781195
iter 10 value 10.534012
iter 20 value 4.513268
iter 30 value 2.815274
iter 40 value 1.825117
iter 50 value 1.543713
iter 60 value 1.458589
iter 70 value 1.399277
iter 80 value 1.369608
iter 90 value 1.336821
iter 100 value 1.286628
iter 110 value 1.271607
iter 120 value 1.248965
iter 130 value 1.222945
iter 140 value 1.184048
iter 150 value 1.141371
iter 160 value 1.110091
iter 170 value 1.102332
iter 180 value 1.098195
iter 190 value 1.095244
iter 200 value 1.092794
iter 210 value 1.089102
iter 220 value 1.088169
iter 230 value 1.087559
iter 240 value 1.087249
iter 250 value 1.086901
iter 260 value 1.086409
iter 270 value 1.085977
iter 280 value 1.085706
iter 290 value 1.085209
iter 300 value 1.084830
iter 310 value 1.084525
iter 320 value 1.084460
iter 330 value 1.084415
iter 340 value 1.084384
iter 350 value 1.084359
iter 360 value 1.084326
iter 370 value 1.084279
iter 380 value 1.084249
iter 390 value 1.084235
iter 400 value 1.084233
iter 410 value 1.084230
iter 420 value 1.084230
final value 1.084229
Aramdos de set de entrenamiento y de predicción
Ver ejemplos
crs\(nnet <- nnet(as.factor(Target) ~ ., data=crs\)dataset[crs\(sample,c(crs\)input, crs$target)], size=10, skip=TRUE, MaxNWts=10000, trace=FALSE, maxit=100)