"Teaching", 2 => "Learning", 3 => "Research", 4 => "Content Development", 5 => "Curriculum Development", 6 => "Reference for Dealmaking", 7 => "Reference for National Policymaking", 8 => "Reference for Institutional Policy/Strategy" ); $format_string = ' Feedback

Feedback on Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation

Evaluation of the digital collection

1. Country in which you are using this collection:


2. Your intended purpose for use:


Please rate using the following criteria:
1 = Not good;   2 = Average;   3 = Normal;   4 = Good;   5 = Very good;

3. Ease of Installation

4. Ease of Use

5. Obtaining search results and navigability

6. Relevance of the collection for your work

7. How useful could this collection be for other professionals

8. Usefulness of the self-copy on hard-disk feature

9. What other information materials, publications or type of publications should be included in following updates to this CD-ROM?


10. How widely, and to which target groups should this library be distributed? How can we improve access?


11. Your general appreciation or any other comments on this digital collection.




'; $collection = 'Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation'; $mail_from = ''; $mail_to = 'collections.feedback@sw.ro'; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: Human Info NGO\r\n"; $message_text = sprintf ($format_string, (array_key_exists ('country', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['country'])? $g_arrCountries[$HTTP_POST_VARS['country']]: ''), $g_arrPorpuseForUse[$HTTP_POST_VARS['purpose_for_use']] . (strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['purpose_for_use']) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['other_purpose_for_use'])? ', ':'') . $HTTP_POST_VARS['other_purpose_for_use'], (array_key_exists ('f_001', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_001'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_001']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_002', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_002'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_002']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_003', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_003'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_003']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_004', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_004'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_004']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_005', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_005'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_005']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_006', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_006'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_006']] : ''), $HTTP_POST_VARS["q_001"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["q_002"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["q_003"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["address"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["email"] ); if (mail ($mail_to, 'Feedback on '.$collection, $message_text, $headers)) { $output_message = 'Your feedback has been successfuly submitted.

Thank you for your co-operation and assistance.'; } else { $output_message = 'Failed to submit your feedback. Please try again later.'; } echo '

' . $output_message . '

'; ?>