include ""; $g_arrPorpuseForUse = array ( 1 => "Teaching", 2 => "Learning", 3 => "Research", 4 => "Content Development", 5 => "Curriculum Development", 6 => "Reference for Dealmaking", 7 => "Reference for National Policymaking", 8 => "Reference for Institutional Policy/Strategy" ); $format_string = '
Feedback on Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation
Evaluation of the digital collection
1. Country in which you are using this collection:
2. Your intended purpose for use:
Please rate using the following criteria: | |||||
3. Ease of Installation | %s | ||||
4. Ease of Use | %s | ||||
5. Obtaining search results and navigability | %s | ||||
6. Relevance of the collection for your work | %s | ||||
7. How useful could this collection be for other professionals | %s | ||||
8. Usefulness of the self-copy on hard-disk feature | %s |
9. What other information materials, publications or type of publications should be included in following updates to this CD-ROM?
10. How widely, and to which target groups should this library be distributed? How can we improve access?
11. Your general appreciation or any other comments on this digital collection.
Name: | %s |
Address: | %s |
E-mail: | %s |
'; $collection = 'Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation'; $mail_from = ''; $mail_to = ''; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: Human Info NGO\r\n"; $message_text = sprintf ($format_string, (array_key_exists ('country', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['country'])? $g_arrCountries[$HTTP_POST_VARS['country']]: ''), $g_arrPorpuseForUse[$HTTP_POST_VARS['purpose_for_use']] . (strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['purpose_for_use']) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['other_purpose_for_use'])? ', ':'') . $HTTP_POST_VARS['other_purpose_for_use'], (array_key_exists ('f_001', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_001'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_001']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_002', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_002'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_002']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_003', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_003'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_003']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_004', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_004'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_004']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_005', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_005'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_005']] : ''), (array_key_exists ('f_006', $HTTP_POST_VARS) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['f_006'])? $g_arrRating[$HTTP_POST_VARS['f_006']] : ''), $HTTP_POST_VARS["q_001"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["q_002"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["q_003"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["address"], $HTTP_POST_VARS["email"] ); if (mail ($mail_to, 'Feedback on '.$collection, $message_text, $headers)) { $output_message = 'Your feedback has been successfuly submitted.
' . $output_message . '