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Consulting projects
Within the consulting activities carried out by professionals and researchers at CEAL, the following projects are the most imporant ones:
  • Project for outsourcing and reengineering of consumables, raw materials and finished parts warehouse, for the Renault Plant in Córdoba (Argentina)
  • Project "Consumables, raw materials and finished parts warehouse" for Fiat vehicles production plant; warehouse of 32000 m2 and a height of 18 meters with triloders at 16 meters. 85% of load is handled with pallets. 22000 items, 1000 cars production flow/day. Kanban system.
  • Project "Distribution Center Disco Supermarket", Córdoba (Argentina). The computer system is fed with information from supermarket's checkouts and orders are prepared semi-automatically following a pull strategy, for 91 stores.
  • Project for raw material, spare parts, WIP and finished products warehouse, for "Corrugadora Centro", Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Project for finished product supply for multiproduct manufacturing, Platinum Industry (Mendoza, Argentina)

  • Logistic Process Reengineering for Wineries from Peñaflor Group, Argentina.
  • Supply Chain Reengineering for ALUFLEX (ALUSA Group, Chile)
On most cases, projects had an integral development, including among others the following aspects:
  • Study and analysis of macro and microeconomic variables, and also taxes, investments and operative costs for defining the best location for each project, specially for logistic and distribution projects.
  • Tactic and operative study and analysis for defining warehousing and information systems according to each case.
  • Hard and soft technologies identification and selection.
  • Selection and implementation of Information and Communication Technologies
  • Supply Chain study and analysis.
  • Definition of spaces and sizes of buildings and their layouts.
  • Stock and service levels studies, and link with procurement department and strategies.
  • Implementation of systems for traceability and logistic quality assurance.
  • Human resources formation plans.
Quality Assurance & Administration

During the lifecycle of each project, tasks related to Quality Assurance and Administration are defined. In these tasks, the procedure is an important point in the meetings and interviews schedules, as well as in project execution meetings.
Quality assurance will be registered on the documents generated al along the project execution, assuring the effective maintenance and optimal technology transference.


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©2008 CEAL - Centro de Estudios y Aplicaciones Logísticas
Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Centro Universitario - Mendoza - Argentina