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News & Events 
17/09/09. From November 16 to 20 the fifth international meeting of the  Wine Supply Chain Council will take place in MendozaActors from all the industry sectors, wineries, suppliers, winemakers, etc. will participate in this meeting with the purpose of presenting the problems that affect the industry, making analisys and developing research projects.

  10/09/2009.  The "Logistics Benchmarking in the Argentine Wine Industry" proyect has started. Bodegas de Argentina and COVIAR collaborate with CEAL in the development of this project.

Through this project the best practices of the industry will be captured and a global comparison of the logistics performance of the participant wineries will be obtainded.

This is an iterative project through which different aspects will be covered in each iteration, eg. lead-times, resources utilization effectiveness, logistics costs, etc. 

02/15/2009.  First temperature records of wine shipments from Argentina to the USA were obtained and are currently being analyzed, in order to determine the level of temperature variations on shipped wines.
01/20/2009.  CEAL is now a member of the International Network on New Party Logistics (IN-NPL), an international network of researchers and professionales in logistics topics.
01/12/2009.  The first Wine Supply Chain Council meeting on 2009 was held at Melbourne (Australia). Several wineries were visited during the event, and logistics problems were gathered and analyzed. New aspects were introduced in the WSCC research agenda, such as grapes maturity forecasting and weather aspects. Photos of the meeting are available here.

11/10/2008.  Our Colleagues from GeorgiaTech visited Argentina. Agreements with most important wineries from Mendoza (the biggest wine region of Argentina) were achieved, in order to start the temperature tracking on shipments to USA. People from Norton, Lagarde, Peñaflor group, Navarro Correas, Chandon, Valentín Bianchi and Salentein wineries, among others, participated on the meeting. Bodegas de Argentina, one of the biggest commercial chambers in the argentine wine industry also took part of the talks and activities carried out. CEAL was officially included in the Wine Supply Chain Council as a research partner. Photos of the meeting are available here.
07/21/2008.  People from CEAL was invited to participate in the Wine Supply Chain Council meeting at Stellenbosh (South Africa). Most important wineries from the wine region of Stellenbosch were visited as part of the council's activities. Research meetings between both people from industry and researchers of the involved institutions were carried out. Photos of the meeting are available here. Some press notes were made about this meeting.

©2008 CEAL - Centro de Estudios y Aplicaciones Logísticas
Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Centro Universitario - Mendoza - Argentina