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Researchers at CEAL
Raymundo Forradellas, PhD
Director of CEAL (Logistics Studies and Applications Centre)
Director of Master in Logistics program
(School of Eng.,UNCuyo)
Science, Technology & Graduate Education Director (School of Engineering, UNCuyo)
Professor, Industrial Engineering Department
School of Engineering, National University of Cuyo
Ricardo Palma
Industrial Engineer - Master in Logistics
PhD candidate, PhD in Engineering program (UNCuyo)
Industrial Engineering Department
School of Engineering, National University of Cuyo
Martín Marchetta, PhD
PhD in Engineering (UNCuyo)
Master Design Global mention RICI (INPL, Nancy, France)
Information Systems Engineer (UTN)

Professor, Industrial Engineering Department
School of Engineering, National University of Cuyo
Fernanda Garcia
Master in Logistics (UNCuyo)
Master Design Global mention RICI (INPL, Nancy, France)
Information Systems Engineer (UTN)
Professor Master in Logistics (School of Engineering, UNCuyo).
Professor MBA (School of Economics, UNCuyo).
Daniel Díaz Araya
Bachelor in Information Systems
PhD candidate, PhD in Computer Science (UNICEN, Beca CONICET)
Student of Master in Logistics (UNCuyo)
Professor (School of Engineerong, National University of San Juan)

Claudia Sosa
Bachelor in International Commerce
Student of Master in Logistics (UNCuyo)
Carolina Vargas
Industrial Engineer

Student of Master in Logistics (UNCuyo)
Sandra Oviedo
Bachelor in Information Systems

Student of Master in Logistics (UNCuyo)
Associated Consultants
Alfonso Gambino Tramuta
Electronic Engineer.
Laboral Engineer.
Organizational Engineer (Pensilvania, USA).
MBA (Pensilvania, USA).
Master in Logistics (California, USA).
Specialist in Environmental (California, USA).
Specialist in Investment Projects (Universidad de Chile).
Professor Master in Logistics (UNCuyo).
Logistics Management advisor, Hº Cámara Senadores de la Nación.
Coordinator of Logistics Strategies of Puertos del Litoral Argentino.
General coordinator of Efficient Energy Management (UTN
Founder of the DIOCMA research group: Innovation and development for fuel obtention through alternative methods (UTN).
Researcher project TELUES, Solid State Light techniques, Program for Rational use of Energy (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional)
Member of the Marketing Tecnológico consulting group.
Darli Rodrigues Vieira, PhD
Professor Universidad Federal do Paraná (UFPR, Brasil)
Professor MBA in Logistic Systems Management
Professor in graduate programs (Dom Cabral Foundation)
Visiting Professor, Laval University (Canada)
Visiting Professor, Université de Sorbonne (Francia)
Founder and ex-president of ABGP (Asociação Brasileira de Gerenciamiento de Projectos)
Hugo Tapia
Civil Engineer - Master in Logistics
Professor MBA (School of Economic Sciences, UNCuyo)


©2008 CEAL - Centro de Estudios y Aplicaciones Logísticas
Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Centro Universitario - Mendoza - Argentina